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This short story is our talk to the CEO of Mileberry - Roman Novozhenov.
It unpacks how Mileberry started in the US. Why start-up people are so passionate about last mile delivery scope of decisions & how Mileberry got $500K financing from Silicon Valley VC fund right from the start of 2022.
If you run an SMB, it’s essential that you carefully consider your logistics and delivery processes if you want to extract maximum value from your resources while delivering a high-quality service to your customers.

Technology is now offering a solution. Thanks to a combination of IoT tech and deep smartphone penetration, locker smart machines from Mileberry can revolutionize last-mile deliveries.

Last mile delivery accounts for a whopping 53% of overall shipping costs, it’s no wonder that businesses are struggling to keep up demand without taking significant hits to their bottom line.
While it’s been well over two years since the pandemic first hit, the logistics sector continues to battle through the problems caused by the pandemic.
The last mile has always posed challenges for logistics providers. Quickly changing delivery conditions, a relative lack of sophisticated storage technology, and high end-user expectations combine to make last-mile deliveries tricky to execute efficiently.
It would take an entire nation to decongest ports, solve the driver shortage crisis, and reverse the effects of COVID-19. What businesses can control, however, is the efficiency of last mile deliveries.
Ability to keep customers satisfied by meeting demands more efficiently, the elimination of undelivered parcels and whopping 53% of overall shipping costs. Mileberry offers companies a new way to reduce these expenses without sacrifice.
With more users shopping online, the need for fast and on-demand deliveries has skyrocketed in recent years. Add the fact that consumer expectations have soared and you have a cocktail for logistics disaster.
The United Nations estimates that by 2050, two out of every three people will be living in cities or other metropolitan centers. This indicates that by the middle of the century, approximately 2.5 billion people could be introduced to urban areas due to demographic shifts and global population growth. The research also predicts that by 2030, the world will have 43 megacities (cities with a population of more than 10 million people).